New Network Marketing

Hello, I am a FULLTIME NETWORKER today. I am going to share with you a new network marketing plan which forced me to promote it on social media. After seeing the plan, it again forced me to respect and trust network marketing industry. And I feel like giving away my 20 years of experience completely. […]

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10 Days MBA Program

10 Days MBA program is a certification program of Bada Business, where you can learn following… 10 Days MBA Program by Dr. Vivek Bindra a) How to start a start up I. Office Setup for Freelancers, ii. Priority Management, iii. Contracts and Paperwork, iv. Customer Profiling, v. Technology for Speed and Scale, vi. Customer Acquisition.

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Liberation Theology

Liberation Theology of Dalit, Tribal and Adivasi. Liberation is one of the great slogans of modern politics and one of the major themes of the Bible. The Exodus from Egyptian bondage was the foundational narrative of the Jewish nation. And Jesus inaugurated his ministry by announcing that he had come ‘to release the oppressed. Scripture

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What is Poverty

We are dealing with on the topic what is poverty in the essay. We need a theology of poverty to serve the poor without perpetuating the political byproducts of poverty. What is Poverty Nature of Poverty Poverty is the severe lack of basic resources. There are several types of poverty that are always connected: physical

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Bada Business

Bada Business Pvt. Ltd. is founded by Dr. Vivek Bindra and CEO is also himself. Bada Business Dr. Vivek Bindra is a famous international business coach and trainer, good author, and international motivational speaker. Moreover, he has hold 12 world records in various industries, including 10 Guinness World Records. Dr. Bindra inspired and motivated people

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Gender justice

Generally, (Gender justice) the Word sex connotes the biological differences between male and female. In contrast to Word sex, the concept of gender is used to describe a cultural notion of what it is to be a man or a woman. Status, roles, and power allocate based on gender in all societies. Gender roles shape

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Environmental issues

The environmental issues in India become more serious every day, and she is turning into a bit of a mess on this front. Still, with a severe lack of education and over 1 Billion people, a considerable amount of which are in dire poverty, it’s hardly surprising. The recent boom in its industries, little or

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book of psalms

Psalm 1 3

“He shall be like a tree plant by the rivers of water; that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither. And whatever he does shall prosper.” Psalm 1 3 Psalm 1 3 The godly should never feel discouraged or be ever anxious in life. Because symptoms clearly indicate that

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