Holy life

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate, said the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing” (2 Corinthians 6:17). Which mean stay holy life on earth.

Many Christian believers try to hold the Lord in one hand and the world in the other. But that doesn’t really work. We cannot be true Christians by doing what the world does in all areas.

To be a servant of Christ, we must renounce all worldly things, completely oppose the sin and wickedness that surrounds us, and live like a revolutionary with the banner of victory.

Holy life

Holy life

If you think that this will not be easy, you are right. You must be careful not to compromise with temptation because God has given you the strength to live a holy life on earth.

Your priority should be to be involved in the society of the kingdom of heaven. When people pressure us to do what everyone else does, let us remember that we have nothing to be ashamed of in living as Christians.

You have surely chosen the best path of holiness, truthfulness, selflessness, virtue, love, peace, and holiness. So, although this is not always easy, at least you know we are on the right track.

Since you are outside the Johns, there will be two obvious decisions. You will be a light to the lost who is looking for a better way, through which you will be pleasing to God.

So, stand up to the challenge and fly your banner of victory for the Lord.

Today’s Thought

“Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners. Be sober, therefore, and sin not” (1 Corinthians 15:33).


O Lord, have mercy on me and help me to behave like a child of light at all times. Thank you, Amen.