How do SEO keywords work

To know how do SEO keywords work, there are three steps to  optimize your website or your web page to rank on Google

How do SEO keywords work

a) First one is something called keyword research

b) Second is called on page optimization

c) Third is off page optimization

When you do these three steps… You will start getting free organic traffic from Google and search engines automatically on your website.

How do SEO keywords work

a) Keywords Research

First, look at what is SEO keywords research.

Simply, whenever you type on google for example – “open sci limits” this is a keyword, what people are searching for on google. It’s a keyword if you go down to Google down below of the google search page then you will see searches related to “open sci limits”.

Here you can see some other keywords related to open sci limits, all these are also keywords. so these are the keywords.

Now we can say what is SEO keywords research means finding keywords, searching for keywords that you will optimize your website on to rank on Google.

So, your job now is to find keywords that your website is able to rank on.

Find keywords

The first step is to do research is to find keywords as example you go to websites like H-super tools: free $ SEO digital marketing tools and by clicking here.

You can go to this website and after reaching her you have to go SEO and click on the keyword research tool.

How do SEO keywords work

Let’s say now you want to write an article about email marketing or anything; you go here and type email marketing then you select the country. If you want you can set it to global and click enable deep search to get a lot of keyword ideas.

Then just wait a little bit and now that application at super tools will give you some keywords. It will give you how many people are searching for per month.

It will give you also related keywords that people are searching for also on Google. So, all these are keywords that people are searching for and you can get the monthly search volume for each keyword.

All these are keyword ideas that you can write articles about and rank on Google. Your aim now is to find a low competitive keyword.

Competitive keywords

Keyword, if you go now to Google and search for email marketing, you will get a list of top websites that write about email marketing.

Such as optinmonster, like neilpatel, like hubspot like mailchimp, like campaignmonitor. These are big companies that somehow hard to rank on and break their rank on Google.

But as a beginner, you must search for different keywords. You can see a lot of keywords. So, it’s better to use a long-tail keyword.

Long-tail keyword

 Long tail keyword means more than three words keyword. As an example email marketing short tail keyword but as a long tail keyword you can take… “email marketing tutorial for beginners”. This is a long tail keyword you can see this.

This is easier to rank on Google. And another way to get somehow good keyword is to go down here and find related searches. So these are also a long-tail keyword that is easier to rank on Google.

So your job now is to do some keyword research and choose the best keyword. After you choose some keywords you can go to other tools like ubersuggest. This is also a free tool. You can go there by clicking here.

It has a free plan for few keywords every day. Let’s write like an example “email marketing tutorial for beginner”. Then select your country, where do you want to rank this topic, and click on search.

You can use Ubersuggest tools

Here one thing is good that Ubersuggest will give you something called SEO difficulty. So this is a metric you can see its search volume, cost per click (CPC), paid difficulty (PD) SEO difficulty (SD), etc.

Now you can see the keyword “email marketing tutorial for beginner” is easy to rank on because its SEO difficulty is easy. So this keyword is easy to rank on Google.

So, your goal now is to go and find keywords with somehow good monthly search volume like 1000 or 2000 as a beginner is very good.

Now searches and check the SEO difficulty and select one keyword with high search volume; and low difficulty and pick up this keyword to rank on Google and to write an article.

The idea, to sum up, goes now and does some keyword research pick up a list of keywords and then filter them; out to get high search volume keywords with low difficulty.

This is a simple idea of keyword research. So after then, you pick your content ideas or your keyword list. Now it’s time to go to the second step which is on-page optimization.

b) On page optimization

You can do on-page optimization from your website on your page or post like editing your text, editing your images. So you have to go now directly to your website to optimize it for SEO.

Use SEO plugins

But for that, you have to need an SEO plugin such as Yoast SEO plugin or rankmath SEO math plugin, etc. Yoast SEO is a plugin with five million active installations.

You can see twenty-seven thousand five star reviews. It’s a perfect plugin and it will help you and make things.

You can download the Yoast SEO plugin by clicking here. And the Rank Math plugin also can download by clicking here.

Both of these plugins have a premium and free version. And you can install it from your website. After installing the SEO plugin you can do on-page optimization.

As an example which keyword is going to optimize that should be mentioned as your heading or topic. The heading of your keyword title again needs to mention in the subheadings.

Then you have to needed mention your keyword again and again. So in this way, Google can know that your article is written on a specific topic that you focus on again and again.

And this SEO plugin will tell you exactly how to optimize what you can do to optimize your articles for on-page SEO.

Another example, if you add some images click on the image and you will see something called alt text alternative.

The text is also important to optimize with your images for SEO. To optimize this you need to enter the text as the image’s name. Or what about your image is in the text alternative box also.

It’s important to compress and optimize the size of the images. So the website speed will be somehow fast.

Use friendly URLs

Another important thing for on-page SEO is the URL or the link. An example the URL or the link of your post should use friendly, which means it will open in a new tab. So, you must use friendly URLs optimized for SEO also.

So to sum up on-page SEO is things that you can do on your page, on your website to optimize it for search engines. you must tell search engines that your article is about your topic.

That you have to need to tell Google with your SEO plugin. When you click on your SEO analysis. It will give you in detail what you need to fix like SEO title, images, meta description. It will give you everything, you need to do to optimize your article for on-page SEO.

How do SEO keywords work

c) Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is everything you do outside your website. outside the website what can you do? Let’s see in a basic example… When you are sharing your website on social media it will give something called social signals.

So, Google also will track the social signals of your website. If people are sharing it on social media it is getting traffic from social media and so on.

So, there’s a metric that search engines will track to see how much people are interacting with your website on social media. It’s called social signals. Another important factor is what we call backlinks.

If you go hit again to ubersuggest, you will see you have some backlinks on your website.

The Backlink is any website to any other website that is linking to your website. Backlink is a link from somewhere else into your website, from another website to your website.

Whenever you have more backlinks or when you have a lot of backlinks what this means? This means to tell Google and search engines that this website is important and everyone is linking to it.

So, it has excellent information, so this is how backlinks work. So, you need to build backlinks. You need to get backlinks maybe by sending code mails to other website owners asking. And exchanging maybe backlinks or maybe buying a backlink from them or whatever or maybe you can build them organically.

How do SEO keywords work

Another important thing off-page SEO is to decrease the bounce rate. If you go Google kite of your website then you can see something called the bounce rate and the session durational.

So these are important if you want to rank your website higher you need to decrease the bounce rate and increase the session duration. And need to see how many people are staying on your website.

So, this is about off-page SEO is building backlinks, social signals, shares outside your website. so that’s it this is what SEO is optimizing your website to get free organic traffic from search engines. You can get business growth without cost by registering here.

How do SEO keywords work

I hope you understand how do SEO Keywords work. We have discussed here three steps such as keyword research, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO.

Please if you have any questions on how do SEO keywords work and you have anything you want to share with us. If you want to earn through the network marketing then click here…