Gender justice

Generally, (Gender justice) the Word sex connotes the biological differences between male and female. In contrast to Word sex, the concept of gender is used to describe a cultural notion of what it is to be a man or a woman.

Status, roles, and power allocate based on gender in all societies. Gender roles shape primarily through the process of socialization in the context of the family.

Biologically, women get pregnant, give birth, and lactate. Still, the roles of earning a livelihood and of providing nurture and care for children and the household are socially determined. And assigned to men in some societies.

Gender justice

Gender justice

The term justice commonly understood as the practice of what is right and just, as equitableness or moral rightness, fairness and righteousness. Justice or judgment specifies what is right, not only as measured by a code of law, but also what makes for right relationships as well as harmony and peace.

In the Christian community, gender justice should advance the biblical notion that accepts and recognises that boys and girls and men and women are created by God, redeemed by Christ, and gifted by the Holy Spirit without partiality: The concept encourages all Christians to have mutual love and respect, celebrating the truth that God loves us all the same and facilitating all to exercise their spiritual and theological gifts in the life of the churches (1 Cor. 12:4–31a).

Thus, gender justice means affirming that God creates boys and girls and men and women in God’s image; they value and empower by God as human beings. This leads us to look at and treat every person with dignity irrespective of gender, caste, color, creed, culture, language, capabilities, socioeconomic status, and nationality.

Furthermore, as God has accepted us in Christ Jesus, we ought to receive one another.

Biblical and historical foundations

Justice is an attribute of God. Every definition of justice includes righteousness. Justice is one of the essential themes of the Bible, and this thread runs through it. The concept of justice in the Bible extends beyond the courts to everyday life.

The Bible speaks of creating justice, while we speak of receiving justice, for example, Micah 6:8 says that we must act justly and love kindness. This shows that justice is also a human quality, because we were created in the image of God. Therefore, doing justice means keeping what is right. or fix things.

Gender justice in the home

Gender justice begins in the womb and continues until the tomb. Children develop attitudes and a mindset from parents and other members of the family. The attribute of justice is learned by observation and absorption from the childhood stage.

Therefore, how we relate to one another and how we treat our sons and daughters in the family is essential to our Christian discipleship. Our survey of families gathered the following observations about the nature of family relationships and the balance of power within them

Gender justice in the Church

It express that, when the child takes to the Church first for churching. Or infant baptism or dedication, one of the questions generally asked by members is. “Oh, you had a daughter again?’’ The next comment is, “I hope God gives you a son next time.” Another common word is, “Oh, you will have a problem finding a bridegroom for her because she is dark and does not have sharp features.” On the other hand, many parents explained that they accept God’s will, whether Son or daughter, standard or abnormal child.

Regarding the role of men and women in the Church. Women not entirely accepts and given their rightful place. Even after completing their theological studies. Women do not have the same rights and privileges as equally qualified men.

Most of the time, they are given assisting roles, but much main work is extracted from them. For example, a woman often made the associate pastor, but she expects to do the work of the pastor. She expects to be ready to deliver a sermon whenever ask, and she expects to do well.

Generally, it observ that, although women play vital parts in the ministry and mission of the Church. heir contributions not recognise properly.

Furthermore, many Christian organizations and mission bodies give the impression that they are male organizations or male-dominated.

Women not integrate into decision-making bodies or chosen as main speakers in a national mixed-gender convention, conference, or assembly. This clearly shows that biblical teachings not fully understood and applied to real-life situations.

Recommendations for the way forward

That the Church (vigorously and consistently) ought to address inequalities, injustices, and situations of abuse within its community.

That Christians must refuse to condone infanticide, female foeticide, child abuse, polygamy, the sex trade (prostitution), sex trafficking, and rape.

That a national task force of women and men form to address the issues related to gender justice and stop violence against girls (children) and women.
That a national forum of Christian women form to address legal issues related to girls and women.

That the Church in India prepares/produces ambassadors, diplomats, politicians, etc.
That the Church in India strengthen its educational ministry in every local Church. And bring about a change of attitudes for the better to help congregations to have a mindset that is in line with biblical teachings.

That special seminar conduct on the subject of gender justice in all theological educational institutions to equip parish priests, pastors, and others.
That the Church in India continues to be an agent of healing and reconciliation.

Thus, in Christ, we are a new creation and a new community. In this community, women and men will work together to remove obstacles in the way of their full participation.

We will pool resources, be innovative and creative, learn from one another. And support one another to restore the dignity of those who marginalize in society. In Christ, let us encourage one another to share the dynamic of the Holy Spirit to change the world.

Questions for Discussion

1.List out the areas of gender injustices practiced in your context.
2. How will you practice gender justice in your own family in day to day life?