Where I am in now

Here, we are dealing with the topic Where I am in now. This topic is not only me but every individual also. First let’ see a Bible verse, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard” (Romans 10:14).

Where I am in now

In the 1700 a Christian missionary ministered to a special nation in Canada. The chief of the nation thanked the missionary for bringing the good news of Christ to them and said that he had heard these words for the first time in his old age. Since he knew that God was the missionary’s heavenly father, the chief asked, “Does this also mean that he is my father?” When the missionary answered ‘yes,’ all the people gathered there shouted loudly.

Where I am in now

However, the chief did not end there. The chief said, “I don’t want to be harsh, but I think it took you so long to tell your brothers in the forest. That one comment that the missionary never forgot.

Thinking that we can only reach out to people, we often become discouraged in the unfinished business

of our lives. Then God reminds me to look around where I am in now, and then we see many people who have never heard of Jesus. And in that moment it reminds us (we who are engaged in the Lord’s service) that we have a story to tell wherever we go, “….for there is one Lord of all, who is rich to all who call upon him And whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:12-13).

Let us all remember that we don’t have just any story to tell – this is the best story to tell forever.


From God’s own Holy Word, to tell those who have never heard the message of salvation – do you like to tell His good story?


I thank you, O God, my Father in heaven, because I have heard of you. Give me your mercy and grace so that I can be your instrument to proclaim that salvation to others. Amen.