Active listening skills in communication

Active listening skills in communication during sales is very important to growth the sales. There are two persons for any kind of business. They are saler and buyer.

The saler has a sales skills and among them is Active listening skills in communication during sales.

Active listening skills

Active listening skills in communication

Active listening skills can be improved by following these tips:

Note-taking Active listening skills

Keep a diary and pen handy during customer conversations to jot down important points.

Eliminate distractions

Avoid using earbuds or headphones during calls to give your full attention.

Body language

Pay attention to your posture, gestures, and energy level during video calls to create a positive impression.

Learn from experts

Study the body language and communication style of successful leaders like Dr. Vivek Bindra.

Additional skills

Focus on webinar invitation techniques, product presentations, objection handling, closing skills, public speaking, and data management for better communication.