Christian Marriage

Christian marriage is rooted in religion with having administration from God. They believe it is one of the ways to worship God. God has created this for the welfare and happiness of humankind. For them, it is a sacrament.

Christian Marriage

Christian Marriage

1. Marriage through Ages

Gen 2:24 is the base of the Christian marriage and through that husband and wife become one flesh. Christians are basically bound to marry Christians only to be a jointly part of the body of Christ. Christian marriage happens in the church in front of a priest who helps them to take vows for the marriage.

2. Rituals before Christian Marriage

There are some rituals which are as follows:

1. Buns of Christian Marriage

In this local priest of both will announce this notice of marriage in respective churches and asks for any objection is there or not.

2. Engagement

Basically, it happens in girl’s house, where they exchange their rings in front of a priest; who performs some religious duties. And it followed by a good feast from the bridal house.

3. Wedding

In a Christian wedding bride’s father will lead her to altar through a procession and then hand over her to her husband. Then the real rituals start.

Then the priest asks them about their willingness to marriage and after their affirmation and after some marital vows and rituals, the priest officially announces them as a marital couple.


After that, they use to cut a cake and make some traditional rituals like breaking of one small cake, on the head bride to wish her fertility and good luck for new life.

After that they use to have sometimes Holy Communion or simply after marriage; they move to celebrations where they cut cakes, sing songs, dance, do solo dance by newly couple, and lot of good foods.