Marriage and Family Counseling

The Blog post is dealing Marriage and Family counseling with Sociocultural influences on family and marriage. Society and different cultures make a huge difference in family and marriage, which are following

Marriage and Family Counseling

Marriage and Family Counseling

1. Family culture as a means of transmission and a factor of socialization

The family guarantees not only the biological continuity of the human race; but also the cultural continuity of society. It transmits various ideologies, folk, and customs, customs and traditions, beliefs, and values ​​from one generation to another. The family is also a factor in socialization.

The family nurtures the child with the values, morals, beliefs, and ideals of society. It prepares his children to participate in the greatest culture and society in the world. And it presupposes the child emotionally.

It is the basic design of the personality. In fact, it shapes the child’s personality. The family is a system of discipline of the child in relation to cultural goals. In short, it turns the baby barbaric into a decent adult.

Marriage and Family Counseling

2. Impacts of Different Societal and Cultural Changes in Family and Marriage

There are various societal and cultural changes that shape the family and marriage, which are as follows:

a. Impact of Caste System

The Caste System comes from ancient India. But in earlier days caste was not judged by heredity; but their own choices for the different works. But nowadays it is described as the property of heredity.

And it makes a division in society and inter-caste interaction becomes very much problematic. It also affects a family and in some places, inter-caste marriage becomes completely and strictly forbidden.

b. Impact of Gender Issues

Our country gives equal rights to women and men in only theory and speech. But for a few years, it is changing slowly in the family, women are celebrating the rights of voting, and inheritance of property.

There are many laws on women’s issues in India. The new government has introduced many schemes and benefits for girl children and women. But in spite of all these still, in many places, women subjugate in family, society and marriage.

c. Impact of Dowry System

It is one of the worst social practices in India that has affected our culture so much. In 1961 India has already issued an anti-dowry law; but still, now it is not effective in many families; although it is a strictly prohibited and punishable act.

It causes a huge amount of violence in many families, such as psychological, physical, and sometimes murder.

d. Substance Abuse/Addiction

The habitual use of alcohol, tobacco, and smoking call substance abuse. In many families, much young generation is addicted to this.

They are becoming addicted due to many adolescent problems and hurdles; such as breaking up with girlfriend or boyfriend, sexually tortured and betrayed, having family problems, just seeking a new world, etc. The parents need to give care and proper teaching to stop their children to can affect by this. Read more about Substance abuse.

 e. Impact of Communalism:

India is a multi-religious country, where all religious people should stay in harmony in the name of democracy. Some families become too blind to orthodoxy in their respective faith; and start psychological and physical attacks on other faith families, and it breaks the relationship with other families as well. We need to understand that at first we are human and then we are Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, or Christian, and need to respect other faith as well to make a good relationship with other families and to respect inter-religious marriage.

f. Impact of Poverty and Unemployment:

India is overpopulated and for that many economic problems have arisen. There are problems of unemployment, poverty, price rise, etc. A large section of Indian families stays under the poverty line. And it impacts socio-economically marginal families, in the form of poor quality of life, disease, law literacy, malnutrition, and child labor.

Due to this, many parents are hesitant to end their children in labor work. For that reason, many children are missing their real childhood days without games and school. And it leads to many people remaining unemployed.

g. Impact of Industrialization, Modernization, and Urbanization:

Industrialization separated the member’s home life from work life.  The working members use to bear with themselves all the burdens and headaches connected with their job. Their families can hardly lend support in this regard. The impact of industrialization has reduced the economic functions in families. Technological invention took both the work and workers out of the home.

Today’s Indian families are facing challenges from external and internal forces. Industrialization, modernization, and urbanization are making external forces where a traditional family needs to change a lot to adhere to the new generation and new way of life. In many senses, the westernization of our culture and society is eradicating joint or extended families. These all are also making a great impact on unhappy marital relationship.

Urbanization has become now widespread.  The studies made by Aileen Ross, M.S. Gone, Milton Singer, and others have said that city life is more sound for small nuclear families than for big joint families.  On the basis of the studies made, it can say that urban living weakens joint family patterns and strengthens nuclear family patterns.

h. Impact of Social Media:

Social Media is one of a big impact on today’s families. Kids and adults are affected by these and for that, a generation gap is clearly created in a family where the young generation is making their own social world and not becoming well familiar with each other in the family.

It’s also affecting marital relationship and due to this many relationships is facing a huge problem. Social media is weakening the communication between spouses in reality and among family members.