Office management

Office management

Administrative handling means Office management; which is controlling, and preserving a balanced manner of work within the office of an organization; whether or not massive or small employer/enterprise/business; that’s vital to achieve the administrative goal.

Charles Forder says that ‘God is a God of Order as well as a God of Love.’ “God is not a God of Confusion.” He says the world is ordered, and yet there is room for individual initiatives.

Every Church office, however, in order to serve adequately the administrative needs of the church; must have ample space and proper equipment.

In this post, we are bringing about office management, writing office letters on behalf of the congregation; format for correspondence of various kinds, maintaining a filing system, office procedures.

1. The Office management meaning

The word office has come from the Latin word “Officiumdivinurn” which means “Office divine.” Office management is a profession involving office supervisory positions.

Office management may additionally provide paralegal assist; and may draft correspondence for management, schedule appointments, etc.

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2. Writing official Letters on behalf of Congregation

Writing official Letters on behalf of Congregation

There are different kinds of letters the minister have to write on behalf of the congregation. They are as follows:

Admission Letters, Agreement Letters, Announcement Letters, Apology/Sorry Letters, Appeal Letters, Application Letters, Appreciation Letters, Authorization Letters; Banking Letters; Birthday Letter, Break Up Letter, Business Letters Cancellation Letter, Caring Letter, Certification Letter, charity Letters, Christmas Letters;

Collection Letters, Complaint Letters, Condolence Letters, Confirmation Letters; Congratulation  Letters, Consent Letters, Credit Letter, Emotional Letters; Employment Letters; Donation Letters, Memo’s, Order Letter, Holiday Letters, leave application for office and etc.

3. Format for correspondence of various kinds

a) Correspondence

Correspondence must be retained inactive or strong files; and the office manager must select the type of telling equipment best suited for his/her needs visible; and the common vertical file are very prominent. Micro filing Office records results in many file economies. Various efforts have been made to ascertain the cost of business letters.

It looms big within the everyday management of the parish; and it’s far on this that the outdoor global generally discovers the inefficiency of the clergy.

The real problem in the method is the way to meet the difficulties that arise when letters dispatched receive no reply. Correspondence can be noted in a letter book, in the diary, or on the administration sheet.

b) Common Correspondence (Office management)

The manager of the church office may be the pastor or a paid or volunteer secretary. Most secretaries or other office managers are accountable to the pastor unless other procedures have been established.

There are all kinds of activities within the church workplace. Announcements of upcoming activities; Church school children, Official papers, requests for marriages; and people in grief and pledge payments can swirl the manager in one day.

It is important to find people to work in the church office who can represent the church well. These people need to be compensated adequately for their work.

Pastors may additionally don’t have any training in workplace competencies; but should recognize something about management.

It is a poor use of the pastor’s seminary training to have him or her type bulletins and may result in hasty work. People who manage the office need to receive fair compensation and fringe benefits.

c) Common Format of Corresponding Letters (Office management)


City, State, Pincode


Dear Sir/Pastor/Bishop/etc

Thanking You,

Yours in His Service


Pastor in Charge of the Church



4. Maintaining a filing system (Office management)

Maintaining a filing system

H. Hensley says in his book “Retrospect of an Unimportant Life”; that the purpose of filing is to secure that everything is immediately accessible when needed.

Before everything sight, filing seems to take up a significant amount of valuable time; but it prevents much extra time being wasted in looking for statistics.

The parish office may file such things as these:

Records of services, meetings, and committees, and events of all kinds; records of the results of the study, reading, and research; Statistics accumulated for any motive; pamphlets and newspaper cuttings; catalogs; courses, and Lenten lists; sermons, address, lectures, and original stability-sheets and private statistics of income tax, coverage, and similar topics.

a) Methods of Filing (Office management)

C.E. Russell says that there are several possible methods of filing as follows:

i) A System of Box Files:

These box files can purchase or easily made out of cardboard boxes, and labeled.

Every container can use for a subject or organization of topics; and some can have an alphabetical system of dividing leaves interior.

ii) A Filing-Cabinet System:

This can be wood or steel, upright, with four drawers for quarto or foolscap sizes. Sets of folders can be kept in the drawers, and they can be either simple meeting sheets; or pockets with gussets for larger capacity, called document wallets.

The folders can be diverse colors, with tabs for marking their variety or issue and stiff cards for dividing folders into units.

The cabinet can use for filing in different ways like alphabetical arrangement; chronological filing, Dewey decimal system, the mast room indexing system

iii) Box Containers:

In addition to a filing cabinet, box bins or drawers are also essential. The cabinet file is not meant for bulky material, such as periodicals, papers. For Example, reports of societies, hymn-sheets, copies of plays.

Any form of cardboard boxes, container documents, or table drawers may be used. Ways of filing other things will mention as the different departments of administration; it may differ from place to place church-to-church, time to time. The system may update according to the need of age and place.

5. Office Procedures (Office management)

Some church members feel that the office, its employees; and the equipment are there for personal use. While to a limited degree the office resources should be made available for general church business; basic guidelines must be clear.

For instance, here are three important rules:

Firstly, The minister’s work takes precedence; Secondly, Others may additionally have work they need to be achieved; and thirdly, the minister can determine what different projects have brief precedence.

However, the minister’s work comes first, unless he or she frees the secretary to work on another activity. An office manager should delegate secretarial work. When offices employ more than two secretaries, all work should channel and prioritized through a manager.

The receiving and managing of a workflow; and assignments through one person help eliminate the problem of who does what for whom.

a) Responsibilities (Office management)


As the minister manage the church office, you will be responsible for as follows:

i) Coordinating Program Schedules:

Firstly, this involves scheduling meetings and room use; making sure the custodian, organist, choir director, church school instructors, and scholars realize what is scheduled; and having the device within the right location at the proper time.

ii) Consolidating Information:

The office is the nerve centre where find out ‘who, what, where and when’ about the church.

iii) Communicating Information:

Thirdly, You may send meeting notices; prepare worship bulletins, letters, and news releases; telephone people about their responsibilities: and talk with members and staff.

iv) Supporting

Mostly, supporting ministries by keeping records, preserving documents, ordering supplies and linking the staff and church organizations.

v) Commitment:

Fiftly, the congregation should read the commitment of a pastor towards his/ her duties in the church or office. For example, Visitation to the poor and the sick people, grieved families and so on.

vi) Love:

The pastor should always to show love, care and responses to the families; closeness and intimacy, reach to unreached and so on.

vii) Punctuality:

The pastor should always be punctual in his/ her duties.,

viii) Honesty:

Lastly, the pastor should show his/ her honesty in the area of work; dealing in the office work and ministry, living connection with God.

Conclusion (Office management)

The church office plays a unique role in the life of the local church since it carries out business functions; while often serving as a gathering place for church members to interact socially.

So, we have to do is manage an office which accomplishes all purpose of serving God. This worthy goal deserves quality time to plan the ministry environment and significant effort to manage it on a daily basis.

So, to carry out the church office management the pastor needs to know about writing letters; the format for various kinds of corresponding, and the procedure according to the Church and organization.

For that, every manager in the organization should direct; and guide those working under them to get the job done as far as their areas of responsibilities are concerned; and to achieve the goals of the organization to which they are responsible.

The understanding of the office management concept is very important for every Christian leader to fulfil; the God-given role, exercising the spiritual authority to overcome; the spiritual forces through following the Biblical and Spiritual laws.

It is also important for the spiritual leaders to get spiritual insights; and have communion with God to get visions, dreams, insights, unction, and revelations.