Trust in God

Trust in God

Trust in God means living in God’s presence, obey God’s commands, and worship God, and believing whatever in life comes from God. We are going to deliver a sermon from Isaiah 31:1-9. The Topic of the sermon is Trust in God. Let’s start with an example:

Trust in God

There was a man. His name was Ramu. He possesses married. The person was returning home together with his wife from his mother in law house. They have to cross a lake with a boat, in order that they get within the boat.

But suddenly a storm arose. The person was a warrior, but the lady became very afraid because the boat was small and therefore the storm was really great. The storm can drown the boat within the water at any movement. But the person didn’t afraid, he sat down silently, calm and quiet, like there nothing was happening.

The woman was trembling and she asked the person, how are you at so silently? Are you not getting fear? This might be our last journey by boat? And should be the last moment of our life! I feel we should not be to reach the shore. If there come any miracle then we will save; otherwise, our death is sure.

The man has a sword; he took the sword out of its sheath. He brought the naked sword on the brink of the woman’s neck; there was a little gap between the woman’s neck and the sword.

Then the person asked his wife, Are you afraid now? She laughs and said, Why should afraid of you? You’re my husband and my life just for you. I do know you too love me as I really like you. Why should I afraid of you?

The man replace the sword within the sheath, and said, my answer is same what you’ve got answered me. I do know loves all citizenry also as you and me too, our life is in his hand and also because the storm is just too in His hands.

So, there’s what getting to happen that’s good. Because everything is in God’s hand. We’ve life due to Him. He can do everything but nothing can do wrong. If we survive and not survive everything is good.

Background of the Book

Scholars believe that Isaiah the prophet didn’t write the whole book. There are good reasons to ascertain parts of chapters 139 as stemming from the historic Isaiah son of Amos; who lived in the Kingdom of Judah during the reigns of 4 kings from the mid to late 8th century BCE.

During this era, Assyria was expanding westward from its origins in modern-day northern Iraq towards the Mediterranean, destroying first Aram (modern Syria) in734-732 BCE; then the dominion of Israel in722-721, and eventually subjugating Judah in 701. The text what Isaiah prophesied is that the time was between705-701 BCE.

Isaiah 31:1-9

The Chapter 31 is that the short form, structure and constant of chapter 30. Where talks about the People of Israel has chosen false and rejected truth 30:1-8; and Lord God will fight for Jerusalem and can destroy Assyria 30:19-33. We can divide the chapter in two portions a) Misplace trust (31:1-3) and b) Lifelong trust (31:4-9)

Misplace Trust in God

Isaiah 31:1-3 says about the Israelites misplace trust in God. Here Isaiah reminds them that it’s only they who can experience lasting security & peace through getting help from God. He warns about the foolishness of trusting in anyone or anything aside from God.

God’s people at the time were facing the very real threat of invasion by a ruthless enemy, the Assyrians. The Assyrian army had already defeated the Northern Kingdom of Israel & was threatening the Southern Kingdom of Judah & the capital city Jerusalem.

God’s people were terrified & desperately trying to find help. Where did they turn? They’re in trouble. Within the text we see that they turned to Egypt. Egypt was another world power at that point & God’s people turned to Egypt for help. They thought Egypt could help them counter the Assyrian threat.

The prophet knew that delegations of officials had been to Egypt to invite help & to get horses & chariots. God’s people were relying upon military alliances & military hardware rather than relying upon the Lord.

The leaders in Jerusalem think they’re wiser than the Lord, They were acting as God knew nothing, even God has been guided them from the Exodus. Now, that they had forgotten God. To them it seemed irrelevant, a waste of your time, to hunt help from the Lord.

It had been much more practical to show to Egypt for help. in order for that prophet to predict them as the house of the evildoers, and iniquity, probably this ask the state of Judah; they refuse to trust in God to evolve their lives in his character.

They’re works of iniquity and that they will discover that God; far away from being their possession, is against them to destroy them. Verse 3 continues the contrast between Egypt and God asserting that flesh is hardly adequate to spirit.

Trust in God

Friends, believing (trust) in God isn’t an easy thing; it’s not only praying and worshiping God; Believing in God shows in our healthy behavior, in our good attitude, within the sweetness of our languages; within the good conversations with others.

Trust in God is not only trust Him when life isn’t facing any difficulties. Here within the text, we see that when people are threatened in life they shy away from the Lord. They need doubt that’s God getting to help them during this time of trouble.

Due to doubt they are doing not trust in God. Many of us within the Church also don’t trust God. Some people within the church are confused and asked: Is God really helping us?

Even many Christians may confused, whose God is the ideal God; once when they study different religions. But Our God is involved in history, one who is revealed as the fullness of God through Jesus to us.

That fullness of God we cannot find in other religions. So, what we believe we’ve to point out to others through our behavior, through our preaching, through our like to them.

Lifelong Trust in God

Lifelong Trust in God

Within the previous chapter 30:19-30, we see that Isaiah denunciates the people for turning from the false hope to proclaim truth hope. If God is implacable toward a sinful Judah, he’s also implacable within the defense of a repentant Judah.

Thus again the motivation to trust is both negative a) Egypt cannot help and b) and positive God will help albeit that they had refused to trust Him. In the Old Testament, God has been revealed as a mighty God, a Powerful God.

So, these verses 4-9 say about the might of God, the power of God. If they are doing not trust in God they’re going to be destroyed but if they rotate God will protect Jerusalem.

Here the prophet reports the revelation of the word of God that came to him. The message articulates the promise that the Lord will protect Jerusalem.

Here Jerusalem presents in two forms first like a lion then its prey. The lion may be a common metaphor in the Old Testament but altogether most instances it represents disaster (Job 10:16).

The lion protecting its prey represents the Lord fighting for Jerusalem. Second, maybe a lion furiously defending its prey, therefore the Lord will fight on Mount Zion.

The expectation that the Lord would fight against the enemies of Israel has deep roots within the tradition of holy war (Deuteronomy. 20:1-4).

In our passage it says that the Lord is going to be Like birds hovering overhead, watching over Jerusalem, to guard and deliver it, to spare and rescue it.

Isaiah 31: 6-7

The Verses 6-7 talks the difficulty of trust and faithfulness to the Lord; rather than political decision that reflects lack of trust within the Lords protection, they pose the matter of betrayal and sin in terms of worship idols.

Isaiah 31: 8-9

In verses 8-9, the words say the Lord depicts that the Lord Shows to them prophetic announcement, during this case disaster against Assyria. The place of this proclamation in its context connects the defeat of Assyria with the rescue of Jerusalem within the time of Hezekiah.

The text says here that Assyria shall fall by a sword, not of mortals; and a sword, not of human (v.8) connects this announcement thereto of 31:1-3; the reminder that the Egyptians are human not God.

The fight of Assyrians and therefore the destruction of the officers in panic characterize the effect of divine intervention as within the holy war. So, here God is seen as a powerful and mighty God.

If the leaders and therefore the people of Israel had believed God, trust in God and not worship idols then Lord would protect and convey them salvation.

Actually what God promised God has done and from that specific place itself, not only for the people of Judah except for all folks because from that Jerusalem itself God has given us salvation through Jesus.


We start Christian life by putting our trust in the Lord Jesus. And that we continue the Christian life is only an equivalent way. We cannot work for or earn salvation. It’s given as a present which we receive by faith.

We simply hear God’s Word and believe His promise. It’s the Holy Ghost who brings us into a living relationship with Jesus and we still grow therein relationship as we allow the Holy Ghost to steer us, empower us, and mold us to be more and more like Jesus.

I began telling you a few stories of trust in God. Trusting within the Lord doesn’t mean that difficulties or trials will never come. Like every family, we’ll have our share of hardships & heartaches, yet we believe our family and that we trust each other. Likewise, we believe Jesus and since of that we are Christians but we don’t need to forget that believing isn’t only worship & pray to God; we’ve to trust our whole life in God.

Let us ask the Lord to assist us to learn to trust Him with all our hearts! allow us to not lean upon our own wisdom or strength but rather day by day allow us to draw upon His wisdom & His strength. allow us to not be tempted to trust in man or in worldly power but rather allow us to trust within the Lord who will never allow us to down!