Contribution of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan towards India

Contribution of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan towards India

In this blog post, we are going to discuss the Contribution of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan towards India; We know Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan was born on 5th September 1888 at small place Tirutani; forty miles to North West of Madras in south India. He was the second child of his parent.

His parent name was Sarvepalli Veerswami and Seethamma. He was born in a Hindu conventional family.  His full name was Sarvepalli.  He belonged to a pure Telugu Brahmin family. He studied in a Christian Missionary institution for twelve years then after Lutheran Mission High School, Voorhees College at Vellore, and finally Madras Christian College. 1920 some of his journal and articles published again as heart of Hindustani.

The career of (Contribution of) Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan towards India

His professional was a teacher. He taught philosophy, he appointed as an assistant lecturer.  He spanned the years from 1909 to 1952. In 1917 he transferred to the Art College at Rajahmundry as a lecture of philosophy. He was a leader of high education and statement. 1918 again he went to Mysore university as a professor of philosophy.

During these three years, he completed the philosophy of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Tagore and the Reign of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy. The latter made him well known in the philosophical world from 1939 to 1948. He appointed as Vice-Chancellor, Banaras University. During the 2nd world war, he delivered the lectured at universities in China. His lecture dealt with Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism.

He occupied the chair of King George V Chair in Philosophy at Calcutta University. He delivered different lectures in different places. In 1944 his book published by international Book in Poona as Education, politics, and war.

After the 2nd world war, Radhakrishnan headed the Indian delegation to UNESCO. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO. He was chairperson of UNESCO from 1948- 1949 and also he became the president of UNESCO’s seventh general conference in 1952.  

Contribution of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan towards India

He was the first president of India. His contribution not only confined within India but at an international level.  He contributed to the league of Nations and the United Nation; show that his educational leadership was felt in the international arena. He was one of the members of the Indian constitution; draft committee. He was the first ambassador to the Soviet Union.

He was a man with profound knowledge; was the author of many books. He wrote the Indian philosophy which published in December 1921. He translated the principle of Upanisads in 1953.

Another translation work was done by him “The Brahma sutra” in 1960. After his retirement, he spent his time at “Girija’ in Madras. There he wrote many books like Religion and culture (1968), “The present crisis of faith” (1970), “Our Heritage” (19730), and “The Creative Life” (1975). 

Thought of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Regarding doctrine Maya- the Hindu view of life begins the exposition of Hindu dharma with the refutation of the illusionist interpretation of Maya. According to his one of the book says that against to sole reality of divine being; and the paramount need to realize it all the rational and ethical effort involved in the human struggle is ultimately unreal and unsubstantial.

His first published article was in 1914, entitled “The Vedanta philosophy and doctrine of Maya”. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan approaches the problem of Maya by conceiving reality in four poise. They are:

  • a) Brahma (the absolute)
  • b) Isvara (the personal deity)
  • c) Hiranyagarbha (the world-sprit) and
  • d) Virat (world). It is based on the principle of Upanishad

For him, the world is very much real and Maya (illusion) has no logic and there is no place for an argument. He rejects the illusionist interpretation of Maya by a process of elimination. And He contends that the word Maya has six meanings, none of which illusion. He described the problem of Maya by splitting reality into at least two on tological levels.

Religion of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

The Religion is not mere intellectual settlement or ritual devotion it’s a spiritual adventure. It is not theology but practice. To expect that we have discovered the final truth is the deadly error. The human mind is regrettably crippled in its religious thinking by the belief that the reality has been found, embodied, standardized. And nothing remains for us to do besides to reproduce weakly a few valuable capabilities of an unchallengeable perfection.

Faith is the achievement of a human’s life an experience wherein every factor of his being is raised to its highest extent. What is needed is an alternative of focus, rebornness, an internal evolution, an alternative in understanding.

“Religion is, in essence, the experience of or living contact with ultimate reality. It is not always a subjective phenomenon, nor trifling cultivation of the internal existence; however the apprehension of something that stands out in opposition to the person.”

Spiritual revel in bears testimony to the reality of something at the back of the visible. It isn’t an affidavit of full, complete and immediate contact and acquaintance with that fact. All religion requires us to look upon existence as a possibility for self-recognition.

One whose lifestyle is rooted within the experience of the preferred spontaneously develops love for all creation. He can be free from hatred for any man/woman. He will not appear upon people as though they have been irresponsible matters; mean to other people interests. He’s going to boldly work for a society wherein man may be free and fearless; a subject, now not an object. He’ll oppose terror and cruelty and stand by the outcast and the refugee.


Religion in this sense may be the binding force that allows you to deepen the cohesion of human society. The come upon of the unique religions has introduced up the query whether they may stay aspect via side or whether one of them could live side via facet or whether or not one in all them might update the others.

Mankind at every duration of its records cherishes the phantasm of the finality of its records cherishes the illusion of the finality of its present modes of knowledge. Individuals who are aware of a venture to bring the relaxation of humanity to their very own way of life. This ambition to make disciples of all nations is not the innovation of the communists.

A religion that brings together the divine revelation in nature and history with the internal revelation in the life of the spirit can function as the premise of the world order as the Religion of the future. We start from Hindu or Muslim, Buddhist or Christian; if we are honest in our aim and earnest in our attempt; We get to the ideal. We are the contributors to the only invisible Church of God or one fellowship of the Spirit, though we can also belong to this visible church.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan on philosophy

Philosophy is glaringly a highbrow attempt to address the character of truth. Philosophy is known as a quest of reality; which underlies lifestyles. Philosophy is a logical inquiry into the Nature of reality. He portrays philosophy as a conceive the world as a whole using thought.

He defines philosophy as a progressive discovery of reality or defining of reality in terms of fundamental conceptions or categories, or a gradual passage from lower, more abstract, and indefinite conceptions, to higher, more concrete, and definite ones.

Radhakrishnan, highlighting the fact that the task of philosophy is to focus on human experience states that philosophy is not a deductive development of conclusions from set dogmas. But the explication of the presuppositions of experience.

Radhakrishnan deeply feels that philosophers should be active advocates of specific ideals. He challenges philosophers to change the world as well as interpret it. With Radhakrishnan, philosophy is not only a way of thought but a way of life.

Conclusion (Contribution of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan towards India)

The life of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and his contribution are great assets for the school of Indian modern philosophy. He was a man of knowledge and educationist, and he contributed a lot to the field of education. He was a renounce scholar from the Indian soil. We as Indians still remembered him and celebrate his birthday on 5th September as a teacher’s day.

Through him, we respect all the teachers and especially observed this day. He is a role model for every Indian and even though he dies but still lives in the heart of every teacher and student.