How Personality Development

How personality development occur in Adivasis and Tribals in India? When we talk about Adivasis and Tribals in India; we tend to focus on groups of people who speak a common language, following similar rules of social organization; and may involve in trade and agriculture.

This paper deals with the development of personality in Adivasi and tribal communities. To understand this, we will discuss the origin of this term, the experiences of Adivasis and tribals, and their personalities.

How Personality Development

How personality development

1. Adivasis and Tribals in India

There are three groups of people who are classified by the Constitution of India as the Scheduled Tribes; a) Austroloids, b) Dravidian and c) Mongoloid

2. Original Meaning

a) Personality Development in Adivasi

The word Adivasi derives from the Hindi word ‘adi‘; which means of earliest times or from the beginning and ‘vasi‘ meaning inhabitant.

b) Personality Development in Tribal

The English word “tribe” derives from the Latin tribus.

The word tribus identifies three groups of Roman people as Tintienses, Ramnenses, and Luceres. Some name of tribals: Vanjajati, Vanvasi, Pahari, Adimjati, Janjati, Anusuchit Janjati and Adivasi.

3. Adivasi and Tribal’ experiences

The development programs are going in different stages after independence. But there are narrow development programs among the Adivasis and tribals.

Therefore, the tribals and Adivasi are socially and economically remain at the bottom of the Indian social structure. Today the tribal people in India suffer from the following injustices:

a) Displacement, b) Suppression and c) Assimilation

4. How Personality Development Concept is work

Personality is a psychological mechanism as well as a specific pattern of thought, feeling, and behavior.

Personality can also perceive as a set of senses, emotions, and habits when situations stimulate their expression.

5. Personality development in Adivasi and Tribal Community

5.1. Rites and Rituals

For most societies, rituals are formal acts and are believed to be achieved through a supernatural being.

They mark a transition in tribal society from one era to another; from one position to another, or from one responsibility to another. When a child is born, certain rituals perform to ensure strength, good fortune; and protection of the child from the effects of evil spirits.

5.2. Social life

Tribal societies are basically patriarchal societies. Their social life is dominated by men. Men can make every important family decision.

In tribal society, women are painful, difficult, tiring. While the husband and children were still in bed in the morning, the women did all the housework.

5.3. Economic life

However, the tribes live in villages and their economic developments are low. But tribal people believe and say that the earth is their mother.

Most tribes have myths that say they were born from the earth. This Mother Earth provides crops and food, vegetable fruits, etc. for them.

3.4. Cultural Influence

In India, many people know Adivasis and Tribal as manufacturers of bamboo works, cane furniture, shawls, and blacksmiths. They have traditional dances and traditional costumes, which are a unique identity for them.

6. Evaluation

Adivasis and tribals communities treat as lower castes or minority groups; and in many factors have been victimized as being economically, politically, and socially dominant.

It has a direct impact on the formation of personality in the life of Adivasi and Tribal.  Regardless of their experiences, racial and tribal communities live harmoniously and community-based their distinctive way of life; strong cultural roots and belief in tradition contribute greatly to the development of their personality.


From the above discussion; we come to know that, the Personality Development in Adivasi and Tribal are based on their social, economic, cultural life; and practices of religion and rituals.

But the non-tribal people neglect them instead of loving, generosity, and trust. As humans, we need to established peace and justice and develop our personalities.