Self Esteem

Here we will focus on self esteem topic. We will discuss what is self esteem, stages of self esteem etc.

Self Esteem

Self Esteem

People with high self-esteem can be identified by some of the following descriptions:

Have confidence in your own judgments, values, and ability to solve problems, don’t feel guilty if others don’t. They are ready to defend their policies, but confident enough to change them or seek help if needed.

Don’t worry too much about the past or the future but live in the present.

Person, Also, accept individual differences (not superior or inferior) by considering yourself equal in terms of dignity with others.

Understand that they are valuable and interesting, especially those with whom you have friendships and relationships.

They are able to enjoy various activities, show less fear of failure.

Measuring self esteem

Self-report is often assessed using inventory and clinical psychological assessments.

In the mid-1960s, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale developed and became one of the most widely used tools to measure self-esteem in the social sciences. It is still considered the gold standard.

The scale measures our overall positive attitude: it questions whether we are satisfied with ourselves, whether we think we have enough qualities and skills, and whether we have much to be proud of. Other validated tools are the Coopersmith Inventory and the latest Sorensen Self-Assessment Test.

How to overcome low self esteem?

There are many ways to increase self-esteem. Multiple and comprehensive meta-analysis studies agree with the following recommendations:

The first step in improving self-esteem would be to challenge all negative messages in the inner voice (described above). Stop and challenge your inner critical and negative thoughts. Check if the messages are too inappropriate, destructive, unrealistic or too important, and stop these thoughts.

Here’s an example: “He doesn’t say anything, he ignores me” and becomes objective “He’s silent but I don’t know why, maybe I should ask”. Don’t immediately believe every single thought you have. Your thoughts are not all facts or rules. People spend years after years believing useless thoughts, they feel and behave a certain way.

Try to start telling yourself a different, more positive story (including genuine and meaningful self-messages). Take responsibility for restoring your thoughts. This is where the restoration of our self-respect begins.

Second stage

The second stage involves the practice of self-compassion. Even if it’s the last thing you think you deserve, try to take care of yourself. Nourish your soul, mind and body in a way that makes you feel special.

While these methods may not be surprising, they can be simple benefits such as enjoying your morning coffee, listening to your favorite music, taking time to relax or even celebrating what you already have. And not always focusing on the past or future (such as keeping a gratitude diary).

Finding and following some of your feelings would be a step forward. Think of activities you really enjoy and ignite your creative spirit. Set some manageable goals and keep track of your progress. It boosts motivation and helps with self-esteem.

When you practice self-compassion, watch your feelings. People with low self-esteem often experience extreme feelings of emotion, either suppressing their feelings or turning away from them altogether.

Control your emotions and try to feel the emotions in a balanced way without exerting power over you. Learn to manage stress, fear, guilt, worry, anger and worry in a more effective and productive way.

Developing strong emotional coping skills will help you manage negative thoughts.

Third stage

The third step is to get closer. People with low self-esteem often don’t ask for help because they feel ashamed or unworthy. Get help from people you trust.

You’ll have the opportunity to share, listen to other perspectives, remember what’s best for you, and position yourself to get the help you need. There are also many support groups and networks online and offline.