Sharif Chacha

Sharif Chacha

Here, we will discuss the great man Sharif Chacha. Before, we discuss about India. India is a sovereign democratic state; This country is located in Asia.

The country is the second-largest country in the world by population and the seventh-largest by geographical area; the country has a total coastline of 7,517 km (4,671 mi); This country is covered by three oceans.

It bordered by the Bay of Bengal to the east, the Arabian Sea to the west, and the Indian Ocean to the south. The country is bordered by China, Nepal and Bhutan to the north; Sri Lanka and the Maldives in the Indian Ocean to the south; Myanmar and Bangladesh to the east and Pakistan to the west.

The Constitution of this country is designed to give equal rights to all citizens; There are equal rights for all regardless of race, religion, language or culture;

Those who live in India live with this dignity; The Constitution speaks of sympathy for all religions and this statement is supported by a person in action; He is a very plain and poor man.

 But he awarded the Padma Shri on 26 January 2020 for his work. He believes that “neither Hindu nor Muslim; Yehan sab he insaan” and he continued to serve the society with that in mind

Introduction of Sharif Chacha

Sharif Chacha

His name is Mohammad Sharif, he is an ordinary bicycle mechanic; He lives in Faizabad, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh; earns his daily living as a bicycle mechanic; He is currently 82 years old.

He works as a bicycle mechanic by profession; and no one else can; many cannot imagine; He continued to do social service voluntarily and without anyone’s help. He is able to prove that; The fruit of good deeds is always sweet and fruitful; He awarded the Padma Shri for his contribution to the development of the country. But people thought he was ‘crazy’; They called him crazy and called him mentally disturbed.

But the question arises, why did the people around him think he was such a madman? Everyone knows he is a bicycle mechanic, what social work did he do besides? He awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India for what social service? Everyone should be surprised to hear all these answers.

The family of Sharif Chacha

The Sharif of Faizabad had two sons; But both have passed away. One died of heart attachment and the death of the other changed the course of Sharif’s life.

In 1992, his son went to Sultanabad for a special assignment; His son was 25 years old at the time. But a visionary killed him; The body dumped on the railway track. Sharif had been searching for his missing son for a month; She also filed a complaint at the Sultanabad police station that her son was missing; And he hoped that one day his son would return home. A month of waiting for hope has passed; A month later, the body of Sharif Chacha’s son was found; Then the animals ate most of his body. This incident causes him endless pain; And that day he decided that what had happened to him; It is as if the incident did not happen to anyone else. So they began to bury the bodies of orphans.

The social service

Since then, Sharif Chachai has not allowed anyone else’s body to remain unattended to his knowledge; When he heard the news, he went there for the funeral. People called him ‘crazy’ then. Initially, bodies were tied to bicycles and taken to the cemetery.

However, later some people came out to help him. Therefore, it is necessary to take into consideration the fact that the present situation of the country is very difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to take into consideration the fact that the present situation of the country is very difficult.

He was later provided with white cloth to cover the body. Thus, he has been doing social service for 27 years, so far he has buried the bodies of more than 3000 (three thousand) Muslims and more than 2500 (fifty thousand) Hindus.

Sharif worked hard to support his family in his bicycle repair shop. Sometimes he struggled to eat a meal, but whenever he heard of an unwelcome or unknown body, he would arrange for its funeral.

For many years, this very ordinary man, the bicycle repair man, known as Sharif, has done something very extraordinary without looking at anyone’s face or hand. He has been burying the deceased according to the religion of the deceased without any distinction between Hindu and Muslim.

Thus he has buried about 7000 (seven thousand) bodies so far. A tragic event in his life involved him in this great work.

Padma Shri to Sharif Chacha

The 82-year-old Sharif is now a celebrity. On January 25, 2020, a police officer came and forcibly took Sharif to the Commissioner’s office while he was cleaning the front of a mazhar in Faizabad. The Commissioner presented a bouquet of flowers and shook hands with Sharif Chacha. “You have received the Padma Shri.

It is a pleasure to finally receive the Padma Shri for this social service. Sharif Chacha was honored for a great job he has done quietly for the past 27 years. A poor man thanked the government, especially the Prime Minister and the media for receiving this honour. He also promised to continue this work till the end of Sharif life.