Mission work in West Bengal

Mission work in West Bengal

In this blog post, we will discuss the mission work in West Bengal. There are two NELC Dioceses available in West Bengal which formed by this mission work. Here we are discussing, in brief, the mission work in West Bengal.

Mission work in West Bengal

Mission work in West Bengal at Suri

This place was in the old times the center for missionary work of the Baptist Missionary Society. For some years the American Methodists worked there, but left; and since 1941 Suri has been the main center for our Mission’s Bengali work in the District of Birbhum.

A mission station was completed in Suri by the Rev. L. P. Lande in 1949. There is a Boys’ Hostel on the mission compound. This hostel has been supervised for years by the Rev. K. R. Ghose.

A new Reading Room was opened a few years ago. Suri has a centre for the Bengali Literature Board under the Suri Council.

Miss Inger Krogh Nielsen has conducted several Bible courses in Suri; and done much in order to produce translations of good Christian books into Bengali. We may mention that the well-known book of Dr. O. Hal lesby, Prayer has published in Bengali.

The Rev. K. R. Ghose, who has served the Mission; and Church efficiently in many capacities; as Press Manager, Pastor, Church Council President; Editor of Bongo Bondhu the Bengali paper of our Church, Hostel Superintendent, etc.

However, he is still serving as pastor of the Suri Church; and goes actively into the work of the Church as far as his time and strength permit.

Suri has been and still is an important centre for the Bengali work. The Rev. and Mrs. Engen are placed in Suri.

Mission work in West Bengal at Narainpur

Narainpur has gradually developed into an educational canter for girls. It is now recognized as a Girls’ Senior Basic School. At the end of 1965, there was a total of two hundred thirty-two students in the Middle School with a teaching staff of seven; and four hundred and forty-three students in the High School.

Two hundred and forty students stayed in the boarding. Among the lady missionaries in charge of the school; Miss Inger Krogh Nielsen and Miss Ellen Laursen had there for the longest periods.

Mission work in West Bengal at Malda District


The Rev. and Mrs. Kjolberg succeeded H. P. H. Kampp in Nimasarai when Kampps retired in 1954. Kjolberg continued the Divinity School which Kampp had started; and a number of the evangelists and pastors in the Bengali work had educated in this institution.

However, since Kjolberg left, it has not been possible to start the Divinity School again. At present Rev. and Mrs. Jens Verner Olsen placed in Nimasarai. Rev. Olsen is conducting Bible Courses, and supervising the boarding situated on the Mission compound and is active in the district work.

Mission work in West Bengal at Eklakhi Girls’ School

This school established by Miss Nesset in 1940. Junior High School classes started in 1954. Five years later the school received official recognition as a Junior High School.

A new school building completed that year, and later a new boarding added. There have some two hundred students, most of them living in the boarding.

Rajadighi Mission Station

Rajadighi Mission Station completed in 1948 and in 1952 decided to build a hospital at this place. The hospital now has a capacity of twenty-four beds.

In 1965 eight hundred and ninety-four patients had treated as in patients; and some twenty-three thousand and five hundred as out-patients.

Several hundred TB patients were receiving ambulatory treatment and more than three hundred leprosy patients had treated from the Out-patient Clinic.

Dr. Else Hoilund had in charge of the hospital from its very beginning with exception of short home leaves. Several missionary nurses had worked in connection with the hospital.

Bagsarai Mission Station

Rev. Kjell Clausenbuilt a Mission Station at Bagsarai in 1955 as a centre for district missionary work among the Santals in Malda.

As a district station, Bagsarai has been a center for Bible Courses, youth meetings, Circle meetings, etc. O. Dordal succeeded Clausen in Bagsarai in 1957.