Sarvodaya School

Sarvodaya School

 Sarvodaya (School) literally means ‘universal uplift’ and it is a fundamental principle of M.K.Gandhi’s ideology. This principle states that the physical, economic, and spiritual resources of a society should use for the ‘uplift’ of its members.

The concept had its roots in Hindu and Jain philosophy; but it elaborat by Gandhi into a full-blown theory of applied economics and politics. Thus, the term generally understand to mean ‘welfare of all; and it uses by Gandhi for referring to John Ruskin’s book Unto This Last translated by him.


According to Gandhi democracy only guarantees the welfare of the majority and not the welfare of all and cannot satisfy those who seek the welfare of all. In Sarvodaya (School) ideology untouchability never allows, eating without working is not right; and emphasis give on the use of native goods and tolerance towards other religions.

A. Zachariah writes, “The goal of Sarvodaya (School) is building a society without exploitation, based on spiritual and moral values. This idea has various phases” (MRSM in India, p.161).

There was no membership in Sarvodaya (School) and all those who accept its ideals were members. It doesn’t a centralized organization and control by the Sarva Seva Sangha in which Vinobha Bhave was the leader for some time. Sarvodaya (School) ideas may change according to the needs of the time.

Sarvodaya School gives emphasis on the following

Firstly, Education

Education should creative, liberative, self-sufficient and job-oriented training encourage. Children should train through the learning of trade.

Secondly, Economics

Equal opportunity for all was in urgency; necessary help must render to the needs of the people, and transformation of economic condition needs. Individual richness needs to utilize for the welfare of society; and there should be a limit to the ownership of the property.

Thirdly, Landownership

In Gandhi’s belief land belongs to God; and the landlords and zamindars should bring within the limits of the trusteeship. Cultivation of land on a cooperative basis emphasizes.

Fourthly, Politics

Gram Swaraj taught by Gandhi by suggesting a kind of autonomy for village administration with all necessary equipment; (like theater, school, public hall, water system, republic of panchayat; and others) and facilities for the production of food-materials and money crops. Decentralization does strongly emphasize whereas centralization discourage.

Five, Better Society and Social Living

In Sarvodaya individuals and society gives importance on the basis of truth and ahimsa. Men and women must have equal freedom; child marriage should forbid and widowhood must not enforce, artificial methods of birth control discourage.

The Ideology of ahimsa condemned the slaughtering of animals including cow slaughtering; and the prohibition of animal slaughtering is necessary for communal harmony. According to Gandhi animals also include in society. He also supported the prohibition of liquor and drugs.

Six, Anti-Untouchability

In Sarvodaya, idealogy untouchability had no place. Although, Gandhi accepted varnashrama dharma; but denounced superiority or inferiority feeling. Inter-caste marriage and inter-religious marriage encourage by Gandhi. 

Finanly, Anti-Conversion attitude

Gandhi believed that conversion from one religion to another is not necessary; because it created communal tension and riots. Rather, people should learn from one another; and nourish their own spiritual lives as well as their religion.

India must secular state and equal opportunity; and must need to give to all citizens in order to follow any faith that they like to embrace.

You can read about the Basis of Reform Movement under Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan by clicking here…