Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church

In this Blog’s post, we try to discuss the development of the Roman Catholic Church inside the area of faith and Testimony, in addition to dividing humans of religion and different religions into pre-vatican II and north-vatican II councils.

The Roman Catholic Church is the most important Christian Church nowadays with over 1.2 billion members. It is an old religious organization of history. The Catholic hierarchy is headed by way of the bishop of Rome. The pope is called the pope, and the Catholic Church considers itself the only actual Church that became founded with the aid of Christ. Bishop is the inheritor to the apostles of Christ and the pope is the sole inheritor.

Roman Catholic Church’s belief and testimony in Pre-Vatican II:

A) Salvation

There may be no salvation outside the church (extra excelium nala salus). There is most effective one Church, the Roman Catholic Church; salvation is not possible beyond its borders (greater ecclesium nulla sallus), the Council of Florence (1442) also said that “any character, anything begging they’ve practiced; even though they shed blood for the name of Christ; until they can stay in the live and harmony of the Catholic Church huh.”

Therefore, we can learn from these statements that Roman Catholic ideas of faith and testimony were very exclusive, which does not include not only people of other religions but also Christians as members of the Roman Catholic Church, namely, mainly Protestants is.

Consequently, we will research from these statements that Roman Catholic ideas of faith and testimony have been very extraordinary; which does no longer encompass no longer best human beings of different religions; but additionally Christians as participants of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly, mainly protestants is.

b) Exclusive self-determination

The pre-Vatican II position of the Catholic Church was on exclusive self-determination. It maintained itself as the true church and saw others as inhuman and untrue. In addition, the Catholic Church perceived itself as the only true church, a complete society, with a negative attitude towards other religions. And it assumed that other religions cannot go on the right and ethical path. The traditional view of Roman Catholicism was that; “no one can be saved outside the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church, that the Church is only the ark of salvation.”

The concept of uniqueness and denial of others (both non-Roman Catholic Christians and people of other religions) influenced the Roman Catholic Church’s understanding of faith and testimony. From this we can say that faith and testimony was given only by the Church (Roman Catholic Church); indicating that people should only come under the Roman Catholic Church and act according to their teachings. In addition, opportunities and benefits also give only to Roman Catholic members; while non-Roman Catholic members and people of other religions excluded from socio-economic and religious-political benefits. Thus faith was only within the scope of Roman Catholics.

Paradigm of development after the Second Vatican Council:

The Council of Vatican II began under the leadership of Paul John XXIII. However, Pope John XXIII died in 1963, after the first session of the Council, the task of administering the Council passed into the hands of Pope Paul VI (1963–1978). The objectives of the Council convenor were:

(a) Internal renovation of the Catholic Church

(b) To make the Church more effective in its mission, to promote knowledge of the modern world view of the Catholic Church.

(c) Apart from the internal renovation of the Roman Catholic Church, this Council also talks about the relationship of the Roman Catholic Church with others and the relationship of the Catholic Church with people of other religions.

The council officially began on 11 October 1962 and ended on 8 December 1965. This council is so significant that it has marked a milestone in the perceptions of Roman Catholic members, changing their average mentality from military to compassionate. Therefore, it can said that the Council of Vatican II brought about a significant change in the Roman Catholic Church’s conception of faith and witness, changing their view of people of other religions.

Development of the Roman Catholic Church in faith and martyrdom

Positive attitude towards non-Christians – The Vatican Roman Catholic attitude towards non-Christians was openly negative, as was the case with other Christians.

However, the Second Vatican Council specifically stands as a waterfall “Declaration on the Church’s Relationship with Non-Christian Religions” (Nostra Atte), clearly setting new directions for non-Christians. The Council summarizes the beliefs and practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, recognizing that they are what is true and sacred, and reflect the truth that every human being knows.

In addition, the Council recognizes, protects and promotes, among other things, spiritual and moral objects, through dialogue and cooperation with followers of other religions, and as witnesses to Christianity and life. Urges Christians to

Even though the Council has said some very new and high-quality things about religions; it nonetheless ensures that “the Church is essential to salvation” and that “it is handiest via the Catholic Church of Christ; which everywhere the proper way to salvation, ”may be observed the fullness of the approach of salvation. “

Vatican II – The Conservative and Post Concept Documents (28 October 1965) states that

– The Catholic Church does not reject anything true and holy in other religions.

– However, it is the duty of the Church to proclaim Christ without fail; which is the way, the truth, and the life. In this, men find the perfection of their religious life.

– We cannot really pray to God for the father of all if we treat people other than brother; because all people are built in the image of God.

Therefore, the Church criticizes discrimination or any persecution against people on the basis of race, color and status in life or religion.

Interaction with people of other religions – Interfaith dialogue is part of the evangelical mission of the church. Dialogue does not conflict with faith and witness. There are indeed special connections to people of other religions. However, dialogue must be conducted and practiced with the belief; that the Church is the common means of salvation and is the perfection of the means of salvation. The purpose of interaction with other religious traditions was not simply to better understand these traditions. Their purpose was also to learn religiously from them about ways to come from God. The attitude of the Christian believer towards people of other religions was to have an attitude of humility and hospitality rather than superiority.

Vatican II Council findings on the concept of the Roman Catholic Church

Regarding the belief and witness in the development of the Roman Catholic Church; we can tell that since the time of the Council; theologians have been struggling to explain the relationship between Christianity and another faith. From there, the Church (Roman Catholic) began to examine its relationship with itself; and the human world and recognized the unbreakable link between God’s self-revelation and historical development in the world.

Advances in the humanities have contributed to these theological discoveries. The Council accepted the historically revealed God’s intention to save all individuals. He further understood that freedom is a component of the human person; responsible for the close connection between the God of truth and the human conscience seeking truth. Thus, an attitude of respect with people of other religions should maintained; and the dignity of all people should emphasized.


Prior to Vatican Council II, attitudes toward faith and witnesses focused on the plantation of the church; which limited to small groups of people such as missionaries. But when the idea of ​​development came about as a result of Vatican II; all Christians began to join, focusing on the transformation and renewal of humanity and their context. The Council has changed the Roman Catholic concept of faith and witness; and transparency towards other religions can see from their activities.

We can thus learn that a major paradigm change was created; that paved the way for various Christian traditions to have constructive interactions with each other, clarify, understand; and act on the concept of faith and witness set by God . Church in the world today.