Christian Conference of Asia

Christian Conference of Asia

In 1959 in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia the East Asia Christian Conference (EACC) was inaugurated; and after 1973 the name EACC was changed to the (CCA) Christian Conference of Asia. It is located at Singapore; but because of being closure to (by) the government in 1987; as the government thought that the reason of forming this organisation to support to the pro-communist movement for its agenda of the need for oneness and solidarity in their struggle for justice and peace.

Christian Conference of Asia

Edinburgh Conference in 1910

From the Edinburgh Conference in 1910; Asian Christian starts to take part in the Ecumenical movement; where 17 delegates from the younger Churches in Asia under the leadership of V. S. Azariah and Cheng Ching made significant impact. In different countries after John R. Mott’s visit, National councils were organised.

Later the International Missionary council in 1921; National council could express their desire for a separate regional Ecumenical body. The IMC also was able to understand the desire of Asian Christianity for the Ecumenical movement.

Tambaram Conference in 1983

At the Tambaram Conference in 1983; Asian leaders stressed upon the need of the East Asia conference; and the National leaders from China and Japan had even suggested having the IMS for Eastern office at Tambaram.

Though the suggestion had receive attention for consideration; the outbreak of World War II had hindered the move. The Asian leaders were V. S. Azaria, D.T. Niles, C. Devanesan, P.D. Devanandan and others.

Asi an Conference in Bangkok in 1949

In 1949, the Asian Conference in Bangkok was formed. S.C. Leung from China was appointed. The organizers and 36 delegates from 12 Asian countries attended in addition to 5 official representatives from the IMC and WCC. The Bangkok meeting desired to strengthen the bond of fellowship among the Churches in East Asia; fuller participation with the world Ecumenical body; a study of world ecumenical body; a study of the major problems in Asia and promotion of World peace.

Later, it recommended the appointing of a secretary for the East Asia Conference. Rajah B. Manickam an Indian was appointed in 1950. In 1957 at Prapat Conference (21 Asian National councils participated). The Churches and NCCsof Asia made the significant decision to organiseregional fellowship to express their concern for Ecumenism; and common mission and this conference also gave importance to the socio-economic and political life in the region.

Purpose of Christian Conference of Asia

The effect of globalization covered with social-economical distinction between rich and poor in Asia. Even being free colonised country, Asian countries couldn’t be able to move such distinctions. And that distinction between poor and rich made an injustice socially and economically and the rich became more beneficial than others.

So, removing such distinction became a mission of all Churches by being together. Asian Christian formed an Ecumenical body where all Churches coming, gathering and helping each other.

Agenda of Christian Conference of Asia

With the agenda of making connection with all the denomination Churches; and even the Roman Catholic Church; to stand in solidarity with the poor; the needy and the oppressed; to make relationship with multi-religious group.

Another agenda was to bring out or take out a fresh theological-economical reflection on the national regional of Asia and global issues.


According to the Bible the group of Saducees and the Pharisees were whispering; when Jesus sit with the group of Sinner. And Jesus sitting with the sinners was an ecumenical get together.

Now the question is, What Jesus did was an Ecumenical act? Ecumenical is not about all churches coming together. And the idea of the ‘Universal Church’ is not about Churches under one umbrella, but the entire creation under one umbrella.