What is Theology

What is Theology

What is Theology? What the meaning of this? John Maqurrae defined, “Theology is a study which through participation and reflection upon religious faith, seeks to express the content of the faith incoherent manner available language.”

It will always speak from a specified faith this means theology takes participation in community and it does not speak from outside the faith. In theology, Faith has been subjected to thought.

The second part of the definition declares that the main intention of theology to express the contents of its particular faith in clear and most prominent language.

Formative factors of Theology

a) Experience

Usually theologians called it “Experimental theologies”. Theology has a relation with faith.

So, experiences of our life may increase/decreased our faith; in another manner, we can say our experiences of life motivate us; through experience, a person makes sensible being.

b) Revelation (What is Theology)


Revelation is just like a gift as a character. Whatever is says about revelation it is the dimension of holiness. In the Christian religion, a person who claimed that “Jesus is the bearer of revelation” revelation is a mode of religious experiences; or experiences of the holy may be judging assisting revelatory element.

Actually, theology expresses the faith of the community. Revelation does come through the Bible, but it comes through Jesus Christ.

c) Scripture


Scripture is not its self-revelation, but it is one important way through the community of faith; keeps open its access to that primary revelation on which the community has been founded. When we talk about the inspiration of scripture this inspiration does not come through verbal wording.

But they set off the whole life of faith in the community. Scripture brings us to near revelation and also provide us such kind of objectives over various individual experiences. As the above conclusion bible is not itself a revelation.

d) Tradition

In general terms, tradition means customs, rituals practices, etc. Which followed by peoples many years ago and the present generation is also following them.

But tradition has its place in helping to determine the doctrines and practice of the Christian community Tradition has no revival to scripture but it played a role in the community.

e) Culture (What is Theology)

This factor also refers to the definition of theology all belonged to the life of faith. Actually, no one can escape sharing in the mental or intellectual climate of his own culture. Even theologians also try to exclude them from secular influences, but it could not be possible.

Due to culture, it is necessary to a reinterpretation of theology. Anything which is made by humans is called culture, whatever is happening now is also included in culture.

f) Reason

Every denomination has its own perspectives in respect of “Reason” as a theology. In some cases has actually denounced reason as the enemy of the revelation. Any reason contracts its own theories on the basis of experience.
Mainly, reason has dived into two parts.

Speculative Reason:

In this particular section, we have to pay attention to the reality of factors. For the speculative reason, we have to see that suspect must be for the discussion.

Critical Reason:

This section is dived into two parts 1. Elucidatory 2. Corrective


Mainly function of this area is that to analyzed the reasons; expounded it and generally brings into the light the content of revelation.

Corrective Reason:

Corrective Reason is directed upon the revelation or specified revelation it’s self-questioning its credence of submission it to scrutiny and criticism reaming contents

Conclusion (What is Theology)

As per the above summary, we can understand the theology. Basically, it contents three major aspects participation, reflection, and religious faith; all these three points defined the meaning of theology. It has also its own formative factors.

Through Experiences, we can understand the situation. It is a very important part. Without experience, we cannot motivate from our life. Some part of revelation also includes in it. Scripture is not its self-revelation.

But through it, our faith becomes more strong. This is a human-made product. It cannot explain the full nature of God. Therefore, every person has their own theology. Every person has their own particular way of thinking. So, finally, we can say that theology is dynamic it regularly changes according to time, culture, etc.